Shape & Space Worksheets

Free shape and space worksheets below. Shape and space worksheet 1 contains an exercise for finding missing angles in triangles. Shape and space worksheet 2 contains questions solving trigonometric equations where solutions are found to 1 decimal place. Shape and space worksheet 3 matches corresponding angles and alternate angles on parallel lines. Shape and space worksheet 4 finds the area of shapes made from circles. Shape and space worksheet 5 is an enlargement exercise where shapes are enlarged by the scale factor given. Shape and space worksheet 6 is vectors worksheet where students are asked to draw and write vectors as column vectors.

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Huge collection of Shape and Space worksheets here, from Circles Worksheets, Circle Theorems Worksheets, to 2D Shapes Worksheets and 3D Shapes Worksheets. Students will spend a lot of time using new equipment like protractors and a pair of compasses required for each Shape and Space worksheet.

protractor shape and space worksheet

Pay Per View Shape and Space Worksheets

Our Shape and Space worksheets and answers are designed for scaffolded learning. What is scaffolding in teacher talk? It is when a resource or in this case a worksheet, builds on the students prior learning needs. Each space and shape worksheet is broken into sections and we like to keep each section sizeable and concise. When it comes to teaching Shape and Space using our Shape and Space worksheets and answers, our best practice advice is to follow the A, B, C, D system that we have put in place. This is to help teachers and students know which shape and space maths worksheet is best to follow on.

Cazoomy Shape and Space Worksheets

In the UK National Curriculum we have tried our best to include a wide spectrum of topics which relate to shape and space but students will soon learn that shape and space goes far beyond the scope of the national curriculum. Shape and Space is everywhere.  You are looking at space. 😒. Shape and space have huge implications for the wider view of the world and how we see it.

Shape & Space Worksheets

shape and space worksheet 1
shape and space worksheet 1
shape and space worksheet 2
shape and space worksheet 2
shape and space worksheet 3
shape and space worksheet 3